Tuesday, June 29, 2010

History of Polygons

Polygons have been known since ancient times.

The regular polygons were known to the ancient Greeks, and the pentagram which is a non-convex regular polygon~Star Polygon.

A Star Polygon is a non-convex polygon which looks in some way, like a star. Only the regular ones have been studied in any depth.

Star polygons in general appear not to have been formally defined.

It appears on the vase of Aristophonus, Caere, dated to the 7th century B.C.
Whereas, Non-convex polygons in general were not systematically studied until the 14th century by Thomas Bredwardine.
In 1952, Shephard generalised the idea of polygons to the complex plane, where each real dimension is accompanied by an imaginary one, to create complex polygons.

Credits: Wikipedia
